Humpback Whale Briefly Swallows Kayaker

PUNTA ARENAS, Chile – A kayaker in Chilean Patagonia had the shock of his life when a humpback whale briefly swallowed him before quickly releasing him unharmed. The incredible moment, caught on video, has since gone viral.

A Terrifying Encounter on the Water

On Saturday, Adrián Simancas and his father, Dell, were kayaking in Bahía El Águila, near the San Isidro Lighthouse in the Strait of Magellan, when the unexpected happened.

As Adrián paddled, a massive humpback whale surfaced, engulfing both him and his yellow kayak in its huge mouth for a few terrifying seconds before spitting him back out.

Dell, just meters away, captured the jaw-dropping moment on camera while urging his son to stay calm.

“Stay calm, stay calm,” Dell can be heard saying in the video after Adrián resurfaced.

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“I Thought I Was Dead”

Adrián described the sheer terror he felt inside the whale’s mouth.

“I thought I was dead. I thought it had eaten me, that it had swallowed me,” he told The Associated Press.

Although the entire incident lasted just a few seconds, the fear lingered. Even after escaping, Adrián worried for his father’s safety and feared succumbing to hypothermia in the frigid waters.

Dell, despite his concern, remained calm and focused, continuing to film the event while reassuring his son.

After a brief struggle, Adrián reached his father’s kayak, and the two returned safely to shore without injuries.

A Dangerous but Beautiful Destination

The Strait of Magellan, located about 1,600 miles (3,000 km) south of Santiago, is a popular tourist destination for adventurers and marine life enthusiasts. Its icy waters pose serious challenges for sailors, swimmers, and kayakers alike.

Even during the Southern Hemisphere’s summer, temperatures in the region remain cold, with lows reaching 39°F (4°C) and highs rarely exceeding 68°F (20°C).

Rare Whale Encounters in Chilean Waters

Although whale attacks on humans are extremely rare, incidents involving whale strandings and ship collisions have increased in recent years. The growth of cargo shipping in Chilean waters has contributed to more accidental whale fatalities, raising concerns about marine conservation.

For Adrián and Dell, however, the humpback whale encounter was a once-in-a-lifetime experience—one they will never forget.